All meetings are now hybrid. Please check below or on the website to see where your meeting will be held and to access your Zoom link.
If your meeting is being held on Zoom: Please download the Zoom app onto the device you will use for the meeting (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, mobile). It's also a good idea to test your video and audio settings before the meeting. Zoom can be downloaded from from your mobile app store.
Members celebrating their Club Anniversaries this week:
Natalie Suzor (1 year)
Windsor Christmas Parade
Saturday, December 03 - Volunteers Needed
Get your Pigout For Polio tickets now!
Purchase them at our weekly meeting or contact the Rotary office at 519-253-6382.
Call for Submissions:
Community Service Grant
Community Service Grants are back! Requests for funding will be accepted until October 31, 2022. The requests will be reviewed by the Community Service Grants Committee and then recommendations will be forwarded to the Rotary Club
of Windsor (1918) Board of Directors for approval.
All Registered Charitable Organizations are eligible. Organizations that have submitted a request for funding will be notified by January 2023.
The link for the grant criteria and request for funding is below
Over 133 Afghan refugees are in desperate need of winter clothing/coats.
To be eligible for donation, coats and winter accessories must be gently used or brand new.
Ages of the family members range from 6 months – 60+ years of age. While their essential needs are met, with the cold weather, they would benefit very much from donations of the following items:
Fall jackets
Winter jackets
Fall mittens
Please contact Marcela Diaz if you have items that you would like to donate
Now Accepting RYLA Nominations
The “Rotary Youth Leadership Award” (RYLA) a world-renowned
leadership course available free of charge to any High School student you
recommend for this leadership program.
To honour and recognize a High School student you know or care about,
simply forward the student's name or their parents' name
and phone number for this leadership award program to:
or phone Don Larkin at 519-791-2471 or Laura at Rotary at 519-253-6382.
There is also a registration form that was sent out from the Office today. Please fill that in and submit your candidate before Friday, October 14th.