We have started to resume in-person meetings. Please check below or on the website to see if your meeting will be held in-person or online, via Zoom.
If your meeting is being held on Zoom: Please download the Zoom app onto the device you will use for the meeting (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, mobile). It's also a good idea to test your video and audio settings before the meeting. Zoom can be downloaded from https://zoom.us/downloador from your mobile app store.
For consistency on the website and in the Wheel, the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) and the Satellite guest speakers now appear in the same list. (See below)
To see the full list of upcoming speakers, click "View Entire List" in the section below.
1. Click the speaker and you'll have access to the zoom link.
2. Scroll down to the section below the speakers and click the appropriate zoom link.
3. Visit the home page of our website and it's listed on the left-hand side.
Upcoming Speakers: Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) and the Satellite Club
Members celebrating their Club Anniversaries this week:
Kiran Tatlay (1 year)
Kay Douglas (13 years)
Kevin Larkin (9 years)
If you have decided to donate an Easter Basket to support children who utilize the services at Children’s First, this is a friendly reminder to please have your basket(s) dropped off at the office no later than April 11th at 4:00pm.
Children’s First will provide drop-off's to their client’s homes before Easter therefore it is important to have your baskets handed into the Rotary office by April 11th at 4:00pm or sooner!
Items to consider include:
Boy (ideas)
Bibs, Teether, Bath Toys, Baby-friendly foods (puree pouches, dissolvable foods), Motor skill toys, Rattles, Summer hat, foam letters, board books.
Sandbox toys, bubbles, board or pop-up books, stickers, learning flashcards, summer hat, stuffed animals
It is with a heavy heart that we send our condolences to the family of Fred Sorrell. Fred was a leader in the community and in Rotary. His humour, his duty to his community and Rotary, his warmth, his advice, his leadership, his musicianship, and his friendship will be remembered and will be missed.
He was the Governor of Rotary District 6400 in 1994-95 and his theme was "Be a Friend"! Fred, from all your friends in Rotary and elsewhere, may you rest in peace.
We Need Your Help
Seeking 6 more volunteers for Gleaners on behalf of Ukraine.
Footwear: Please wear closed shoes (no flip flops or sandals)
Please email Rick, if you would like to support this cause
Earth Day Committee Update
Tree Planting: April 24th, 11:20-12:30PM
Please contact Vitra Chodha (vitrachodha@gmail.com) to register for the April 24, 2022, 11:20 – 12:30, tree planting at the green space south of Wyandotte Street east between Florence and Martinique in Windsor.
Parking is at Sandpoint beach. We are looking for at least 15 people to participate. Family and friends are more than welcome to join in. We will be joined by members of our Rotaract Club.
Fellow Rotarians,
We are looking for volunteers for Art in the Park 2022! This year the event will be held on Saturday, June 4 from 10 am to 7 pm and Sunday, June 5 from 10am to 5pm.
We are in need of Rotarian Volunteers at the following time slots
Saturday, June 4
7:00 AM - 11 AM
10:00 AM -2:30 PM
02:30 PM -7:00 PM
Sunday, June 5
8am to 11:30am
10am to 130pm
1:30pm to 500pm
5:00pm to 9:00pm
Positions include managing cash at the gates, pop stand, sales of pop/beer, and in the cash room. We are also in need of Rotarians to help with set up and tear down after the event and a few jobs within the park during operations.
If you are SMART SERVE certified then we would greatly appreciate it if you take on 1 of the 4 shifts on Saturday from 10 to 7 or Sunday from 10 to 5. We need Smart Serve volunteers to help with the sale of tokens for beer and to assist at the pop stand that is selling alcohol.
Please email Rotarian, Mike Drake at drake@crblaw.ca or call at 519-300-3933 to sign up for Art in Park Weekend.
Thank you for your support.
Call for Volunteers
Date: Wednesday, August 3rd from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Special Olympics Michigan is hosting an International event in Detroit this summer – the Unified Cup! This is a soccer tournament with 400 athletes coming from 30+ countries around the world. ESPN will be providing coverage, and global sponsors getting involved.
They are seeking volunteers to help with this event on August 3rd from 10am - 2pm.
Please contact, Robbie Waclawski, Director of Civic Partnerships & State Sponsorships if you would like to get involved.
Special Olympics Michigan
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, Rotary has made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We are deeply concerned about the Ukraine crisis and need your help.
Rotary is made up of people of action, especially in difficult times. In response to the deepening refugee crisis, The Rotary Foundation Trustees have decided to prioritize contributions made to the Disaster Response Fund until 30 April 2022 to support disaster response grants for districts affected by these events. These expedited disaster response grants can be used to supply water, food, medicine, shelter, and clothing.
Half a million people have fled Ukraine and are in dire need of emergency aid. The United Nations estimates that the number of refugees could grow to as many as 5 million people displaced. Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work, some working on the ground to help displaced families.
With your donation to our Disaster Response Fund, we can support communities and help rebuild lives during this tragic time.
In recent days, homes in Ukraine have been damaged or destroyed. Innocent civilians are being killed, families and lives are being torn apart. The UN is reporting hundreds of thousands of people on the move inside the country or trying to leave. They are predicting as many as 12 million people may need humanitarian assistance inside Ukraine.
Additionally, the UN predicts that as many as 4 million refugees may be seen as a result of this crisis. More than 874,000 people are reported to have already fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries [as of Tuesday 1 March 2022].
ShelterBox is responding to the Ukraine crisis. A team is on their way. We will be sending aid and are working to understand who is doing what so we can avoid duplication and get as many people as possible the support they need.
We are liaising with Rotary and Rotaract leadership and members in the region to coordinate information and better understand the situation. We have connected with District 2231 in Poland and with the wider regional coordination framework under RI Director Katarina Kotsalis.
We need your help.
Your District's support today will provide lifesaving aid for families affected by the Ukraine crisis. Any additional money raised will help ShelterBox provide emergency shelter to families affected by disasters around the world.
As official Project Partners in international disaster relief, Rotary and ShelterBox work together to ensure no one is left without shelter after disaster. Donating to ShelterBox is the best way Rotarians can take immediate action to help families affected by disasters around the world.
Donations can be made online through the button below or by mailing a cheque to ShelterBox Canada, 159 Jane Street, Office 2, Toronto, ON,
You could save $300 USD
on the Annual District 6400 Conference!
The first 4, first-time attendees that register for the District Conference will be reimbursed $150 USD from the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) and $150 USD will be matched by District 6400 for a total savings of $300 USD.
If you are interested in attending the conference please click on the link below for more information and to register. The discount for first-time attendees will be allocated to the first 4 people who register.
If you wish to reduce the cost further, Rick Caron is willing to share a room.
Contact him directly.
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE!
Registrations should be sent to: Elaine and Harvey Snaden at elainesnaden@gmail.com or online registration at THIS LINK.