Great meeting! David Eady and Don Marsh held Part 2 of the 2018 AGM. Dave Cooke and Bill Kell presented the Farrow Riverside Miracle Park, and representatives from the 4 Rotary Clubs of the City of Windsor presented a check to support the project.

David Eady was cheered as he called to order what will be his last official AGM as secretary, as he’s passing this title on to Sherrilynn Colley-Vegh after having served the Club for 17 years in this leadership position. Motions were carried to accept Leona MacIntyre as a director and Cindy Duggal as President Nominee. Motion was also carried to to accept as Club accountants Roth Mosey & Partners, LLP, as the Club's external accountants, for the year ending June 30, 2019. Don Marsh spoke on behalf of the Foundation and announced that Janice Forsyth will be taking over as Chair, and Sushil Jain will also be joining the board. He also explained that he and Ron Arkell will be heading up a campaign with the goal of replenishing the Foundation Fund account.

Chuck Roy, member of Rotary Club of Windsor-St. Clair, introduced Bill Kell and Dave Cooke who spoke about the Farrow Riverside Miracle Park project. They took us through the life of this incredible initiative - from it being just an idea to now, when it’s actually expected to open this summer! The field will be flat and smooth - accessible for all. There will also be an all-inclusive baseball-themed playground, an existing swimming pool, a wellness exercise path with three exercise stations, a pavilion and a more prominent display of the park’s cenotaph. This park - termed as "the largest accessible playground in Canada", is sure to be a destination for so many. 

As a result of the joint fundraising efforts of the 4 Rotary Clubs of the City of Windsor, An Evening with Jim Weese (the event held on February 28th) raised $8,458. A check was presented to Farrow Riverside Miracle Park to help support the completion of the park.