PP Anna Jurak of Rotary Club of Windsor-St Clair on Brain Injuries, PHF ceremonies and Outbounder Robert Kidd.

Don Snyder carried out the Paul Harris Fellowship ceremonies as usual, and President Gord presented Karen Howard, Bill Howitt, Bev Cyr and - Don himself! - with upgraded PHF pins.
Outbounder Robert Kidd has returned from his Youth Exchange trip to Japan. He began his address to the Club by speaking in what sounded like incredibly-versed Japanese, which everyone thought was pretty amazing. Some highlights included his learning Kyūdō - the ancient art of Japanese archery and his visits to Okinawa, Enoshima Island, Kyoto and many shrines and temples. He stated that nature was his favourite part of Japan, and he loved touring Mount Fuji, calling it "an outstanding, once in a life time opportunity". His trip to Hiroshima was a very important and emotional part of his trip, and spending time at Universal Studios in Osaka was fun - but not very Japanese! He thanked the Club for giving him the opportunity to partake in the Youth Exchange experience - it was incredible.
PP Anna Jurak began her talk by showing a video about the Unmasking Brain Injury project: An international movement that, through the coordination of the Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA), Ontario became the first province in Canada to participate. "The goal is to provide brain injury survivors the opportunity to create their own mask and tell their own story". Anna thanked our Club for our contribution; Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) funded the Windsor chapter of this project. The masks and their corresponding stories (of how they got the injury and how it affects them) can be viewed as part of an exhibit in the lobby of Hotel Dieu. For more information about this projects, visit http://www.biawe.com/unmasking-brain-injury-june-7/
Jurak went on to explain about the brain - it's "the most important part of our bodies!" She described the free helmets program the Brain Injury Association puts on every year, important because "helmets reduce brain injuries by 88%". Brain injuries are known as a "non-visible disability", and an astounding stat was presented: More than 18,000 Ontarians will suffer a brain injury this year alone. She addressed the topic of concussions, and explained that the most important issue is that kids need to tell their teachers, councillors, parents or coaches. Often, they hit their heads but "shake it off" and keep playing, which could be very dangerous. After a concussion, it's very important to give your brain an opportunity to rest. "It's not about being tough anymore" - if the brain doesn't have time to heal, symptoms may last for months or even years.