The March 22 meeting turned into a round table of Rotary and Club topics, as our speaker was unable to join us. Some highlights:
1. Don't forget to complete the City of Windsor Survey on the future of Lanspeary Park.
2. Check out, For Our Members, Satellite Club Practices and Procedures 2021. Included in the document is information regarding our Club Officer positions: Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Immediate Past-Chair, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Program Chair, and the Sergeant-at-Arms & Membership Chair. We will be looking for members interested in leadership positions at the April 5 Club Assembly.
3. The recent member poll found that the majority of members would like to meet in person, but there are still a number who do not want to or are hesitant. We will look at how we can adopt technology to give us options for meetings in the near future.