Members welcomed Jon Azzopardi and Mike Hicks from the Canadian Association of Mold Makers as the newest links in the Rotary Peace Chain. 
Jon and Mike shared videos of the importance of the mold industry to both local and world economies.  CAMM has had a long history with Rotary beginning with the Hart Walker Project and moving on to the Centennial Plaza.  Canada is recognized as one of the top three nations of mold-makers in the world and leaders in mould-making technology.  While we thanked Jon and Mike for their continued involvement with Rotary, they thanked Rotary for providing opportunities to serve the community.
It was a special treat to have Diane and Jim Moore join us.  Diane was the Executive Director of CAMM and instrumental in connecting CAMM with the Hart Walker Project.  Diane provided a brief history of the project and expressed her personal appreciation for the strong bond between the two organizations.
The PAYS presentation was given by Bev Cyr who outlined her involvement with volunteer organizations after leaving the teaching profession to raise a family.  Bev remarked that the volunteer work that provided the most satisfaction with all had a teaching component – once a teacher, always a teacher.