This week our speaker was our own Janet Kelly, focusing our attention on Rotary Engagement.
Janet noted that the foundation of Rotary is friendship, and we build upon that to provide service to the community and the world. She stated that the areas of focus for Rotary are the guides for the types of service we can provide. The areas of focus are Peace and Conflict Resolution, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Water and Sanitation, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development, and Supporting the Environment.
Janet went on to explain the committees within 1918 which we can get involved with:
Administration: Speakers, Membership, Fundraising
Local: Adult Assistance, Children's Assistance, Literacy, Young Leaders, Youth Services, Community Service Grants
International: World Community Service, Youth Exchange
There are also Annual Service Projects which benefit from increased participation: Socks and Bottoms, Easter Baskets for Children's First, Tree Planting, Glean-A-Thon, Art in the Park, Children's Fest, Bingo, Easter Seals, and many other good ideas that can lead to service activities.
Janet encouraged members to think about ways they might identify their "passion" and then get involved. Members asked for the slide presentation to review all the great information presented. Janet ended her presentation with the quote: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Next Meeting: Monday November 8 with Host Club, 12:30
Major Hillier from HMCS Hunter
No Satellite Meeting on Tuesday November 9.