Monday, October 5th, the Rotary Club of Windsor 1918 witnessed the installation of Jodi Ouellette as Executive Director and her induction as a Rotarian.
Monday, October 5th, the Rotary Club of Windsor 1918 witnessed the installation of Jodi Ouellette as Executive Director and her induction as a Rotarian. In her new role, Jodi will support President Gerry Pocock, Satellite Chair Rick Caron, and Foundation Fund Chair, Janice Forsyth, along with numerous committees and initiatives.
During the meeting, tears were shed as Maureen Lucas presented Jodi with a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of her contribution to the club before her installation as Executive Director and Rotarian.
Jennifer Jones, President Nominee for Rotary International, also joined us via Zoom to welcome Jodi into the club saying that Jodi will be a bright light for Rotary and really make a difference in her new role.
The Executive Director's role will provide strategic leadership to the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) while working alongside each incoming President to fulfil annual goals and reach long-term financial objectives. In collaboration with Rotary 1918’s Board of Directors, the Executive Director will engage the membership in committees and projects, embrace technology and look for opportunities to advance the Club.
President Pocock believes that Jodi will introduce fresh ideas to move the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) forward during and post-pandemic. President Pocock explains, "Jodi brings a lot of experience working in the non-profit sector in various roles. She has worked with some of the most vulnerable people in our community, something the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) has been doing for over a hundred years."
Jodi is up for the challenge that COVID-19 has created as she considers her goals for 2020-2021. Jodi's top three goals for this year include:
- gaining a deep understanding of the impact of Rotary, locally and internationally,
- develop working relationships with fellow Rotarians and;
- construct a strategic fundraising plan, in collaboration with the Board of Directors, Foundation Fund and Rotarians.
She is hopeful that the Club can spread their passion for service above self and increase its membership with the right opportunities. "With an increase in membership, we will be better equipped to plan and implement local and international projects, ultimately increasing our impact," explains Jodi.
Jodi is also joining the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) as a member. The main motivation is the connection she felt with the Club's commitment to children and youth advocacy and support. "As a child and as an adolescent, I did not have the opportunity to witness or experience acts of selflessness or service above self. These experiences have shaped the way that I understand "need" for young people and communities. Today, it is what drives me to serve Rotarians while developing, planning and fulfilling the goals of Windsor (1918), District 6400 and Rotary International.”
As she transitions into her new role, Jodi will continue to work closely with President Pocock. Since March 2020, Jodi has volunteered her time to familiarize herself with the Club and has worked closely with President Pocock. "He demonstrates open communication and strong leadership, offering guidance based on his own experiences. I believe President Pocock and I will continue to work well together and I feel very confident in his leadership and fellowship for the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918)."
Jodi's strong character confirmed for President Pocock that they had made the right decision for the club. "When Jodi learned the news that she has earned the position of Executive Director, she jumped right in. One thing that was very important to her was becoming a Rotarian. That speaks volumes to me about a person who is passionate about helping people." President Pocock explains that Jodi recognizes the strength of Rotary and knows the words "I" and "me" are non-existent within the club; it's about "we" and "us."
Looking to the future, you can expect to see more from Young Rotary Leaders as the Rotary Club of Windsor works to develop opportunities for them to grow their leadership and independence to support the future of Rotary.
"We need passionate leaders engaging and representing the diversity of our community, and that starts with our youth."
Jodi is looking forward to developing partnerships with underutilized local resources. She will use her new role to support the development, growth and strengthening of key partnerships with other Rotary Clubs, individuals, businesses and organizations.
Congratulations Jodi on your new positions within the club, your membership and your Paul Harris Fellow! You will do great things in your new role and impact the lives of so many.