Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
RYLA is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs around the globe. Each year, thousands of young people (ages 14-18) participate in this program!
The program is organized by Districts 6400 and 6830 and serves as a leadership skills course for nominated high school students between grades 9-12 who want to improve their leadership potential. RYLA is about education and practicing some basic Leadership Skills, Doing the Right Thing, Making a Positive Difference plus having opportunities to meet like-minded people who hope to be leaders in their school, community and beyond.
Don't miss this opportunity to participate in this extremely worthwhile training seminar! Complete our online registration form today!
Spaces are limited.
The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) is generously covering registration and transportation costs for qualified students.
This Year's Dates:
- Completed applications must be submitted no later than Feb 14, 2025
- Course takes place May 2-5, 2025 at Camp Copneconic in Fenton, MI.

The objectives of RYLA are:
1. To further demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth
2. To encourage and assist selected youth leaders and effective voluntary youth leadership by providing them with a quality training experience
3. To encourage high-quality leadership of youth by youth
4. To publicly recognize the high qualities of many young people who are rendering service to their communities as youth leaders
This 4-day event will help students build the foundation as future leaders, develop tools to find their own leadership ability, gain confidence to go out and make positive change!
District 6380 and District 6400 are partnering in 2024!
If you, or someone that you know, would be interested in getting more involved in RYLA as a committee member or as a facilitator during the weekend, please let us know. We are always looking for bright faces to improve our team.
For more information, please contact the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918):