Blog Post 1
Monday July 3rd, 2017
Good Day Fellow Rotarians:
One of the new initiatives I am taking on this year is to blog throughout my President’s year. I want to build on the great work we have been doing to get the Rotary message out to our community and most importantly to potential new members. We have an amazing Club and what I am already learning is that we do so much that often we forget about how much we do!!
We are also one Club within Super District 6400; having attended District conference every year except one since I became a Rotarian I now know why District 6400 is super. All our Clubs live the motto of Service Above Self with so many worthwhile projects. Attend a District conference – it was the event that really got me engaged in Rotary. Join District Governor Rick.... and I will be there too, on Mackinac Island from May 3 – 6, 2018.
Finally we are one District within many across the world. How amazing is it to be part of a service organization that no matter where you are in the world you are linked to people through your involvement in Rotary. Whenever a new member is installed I am always inspired by the fact that we have joined with over 1.2 million Rotarians. This year the Rotary International Conference will be in Canada, yeah! Join me in Toronto on June 23-27.
And stay tuned for my weekly blog. Who knows what I will be chatting about!
President Colleen