Monday, July 12th marked the first official meeting of our new President Cindy Duggal and the first hybrid meeting since the pandemic.
President Cindy introduced each member of the new board – many of who were present with her at the Safety Village. The 2021-2022 board includes
Gerald A. Pocock (Past President)
Cindy Duggal (President)
Leona MacIntyre (President-Elect)
Marcela Diaz (Secretary)
Matt Lahoud (Treasurer)
Allan Kidd (Sergeant at Arms)
Pierre Boulos (Chair of Satellite Club)
Suzanne Grouette (Director)
Gordon Faas (Advisor)
Cindy Duggal (President)
Leona MacIntyre (President-Elect)
Marcela Diaz (Secretary)
Matt Lahoud (Treasurer)
Allan Kidd (Sergeant at Arms)
Pierre Boulos (Chair of Satellite Club)
Suzanne Grouette (Director)
Gordon Faas (Advisor)
We were also fortunate to welcome District Governor – Aruna Koushik to our meeting. She shared a bit about her aspirations for the year and how our members can support her Illuminating Hope campaign.
She shared the story of the lamp and encouraged every Rotarian to share a good deed that they have done with the goal of sharing hope with people in the community.
“As Rotarians, each one of you, the members of 1918 and satellite, you’ve provided hope. And sometimes you don’t even know you’ve done that.” - Aruna.
The focus of this year is to collect great stories of hope that demonstrate illuminating hope at this years’ district conference.