Members of the Satellite welcomed District Governor, Noel Jackson who gave a brief presentation of the Peace Chain before awarding 4 new “links”.
Dr. Tricia Carmichael and Dr. James Gauld were awarded for the creation of the first Canadian Conference on LGBTQ+ and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) held at the University of Windsor. The Conference brought LGBTQ+ STEM researchers in all fields of STEM to highlight and celebrate the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community and to raise awareness of equity, diversity and inclusivity issues in STEM.
Dr. Trevor Pittman currently teaches music at the University of Windsor and was awarded for his involvement in “Tunes for Tanzania” which raises funds for student educational support. Since its inception, Dr. Pittman has organized the program and served as equipment manager for the event.
Dr. Vincent Georgie is known throughout the community as the creator of the Windsor International Film Festival (W.I.F.F.). This popular 10-day festival introduces 170 films from a variety of cultures to some 40,000 ticket-holders. By sharing films from a variety of culture, W.I.F.F. builds good will and understanding, and promotes world peace.
Tonight’s “Vocation at Your Service” featured Sydney Thompson. Sydney is a Entrepreneur Coordinator at the University of Windsor and assists those interested in starting a business. Her work includes students at the university as well as those in the general community who want to provide a positive influence. A Rotarian for 3-years, Sydney shared that she loves helping people and her position allows her to do just that.