Our speaker was District Governor Aruna Koushik, introduced by Assistant District Governor Anne Chetty. DG Aruna explained the meaning behind her theme Illuminating Hope.
She once worked with Mother Teresa. During that time, on the way back from a day spent attending to the needs of people in the slums, they would use a simple lamp to light the pathway. With the light of that lamp they would see hope in the eyes of those they served.
Janet Kelly gave an update on the Windsor Essex Rainbow Alliance. They have made great progress in the past year, working with members of the 2SLGBTQIA community, the university, and the city. They have made strides toward the goal of collecting, preserving and disseminating local history, and have a proposal going to the city toward the goal of having a monument so that history does not disappear within the city. If you are interested in helping with WERA, contact Janet, Beverly Cyr, or Rick Caron.
The Satellite Club executive have proposed a hybrid model for face-to-face meetings. More details will follow, but the plan is to have the ability to attend one meeting a month in person or via Zoom.
If you are interested in helping with the Glean-a-thon on Oct 16 between 4am-6am, please contact Suzanne Grouette. Eight more volunteers are needed.
Please continue to bring ideas for speakers to Program Chair Aliun Ngom (angom@uwindsor.ca)